Natural Arts Exploration
Supporting curiosity, well-being, and excitement about the world.
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This blog is part of the National Institutes of Health - SEPA project: Environmental Science Through Arts (ESTA) connecting environmental health to human health.
Make Paint from Flowers part 1
Making colors from natural materials is a calming and exciting Natural Arts project.
Plant Sprouts and Sketch
Planting sprouted seeds and sketching in the garden or schoolyard.
A Magical Bird Needs a Nest
A magical bird needs a nest! A fun way to engage NGSS-DCI or VAPS outcomes.
Juno Cam Interpretation
An exciting citizen science project where students can engage data from the Juno mission to Jupiter.
Unwieldy Color Wheels
Every color wheel will be different, and each person will perceive them differently.
Permeable Watersheds
Animating a series of paintings to express how water connects everything,
A Plant Color Library
A library of color derived from plant pigments for the Huntington Botanical Gardens.
Simple Holiday Projects
Simple and fun holiday projects: sparkle slime, tree ends and stars.
Paper Flowers (for big groups!)
Making paper flowers with big groups, including small children. Wonderful for el Dia del los Muertos festivals.