
Stop Motion is a fun way to get students outside! You can use cheap, school-friendly applications like Stop Motion Studio, or the free Google Photos App. With google photos, student can:

First, ask your students to take a series of photos of nature in motion.

In google photos:

  1. At the bottom, tap Library Utilities.

  2. Under Create New, choose Animation .

  3. Select the photos you want in your animation

  4. At the top right, tap Create.

Another version of this assignment is:

  1. Have students create a tripod for their phone.

    Here is a fun video on how to create a tripod using household materials. I have one made of Duplo Blocks!


  2. Once students have a tripod, have run out and collect natural materials.

  3. Now, students can move the materials slowly across the area their phone photographs, taking a picture with each movement.

  4. Follow the steps above.


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