Natural Arts Exploration
Supporting curiosity, well-being, and excitement about the world.
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This blog is part of the National Institutes of Health - SEPA project: Environmental Science Through Arts (ESTA) connecting environmental health to human health.
Making beautiful silhouette images without photo chemicals, anthrotypes are a fun experiment!
Plant Sprouts and Sketch
Planting sprouted seeds and sketching in the garden or schoolyard.
A Magical Bird Needs a Nest
A magical bird needs a nest! A fun way to engage NGSS-DCI or VAPS outcomes.
What Story Should I Tell?
What story should I tell? 20 prompts to help students tell their stories.
Unwieldy Color Wheels
Every color wheel will be different, and each person will perceive them differently.
Biological Crusts & Moss Forests
Finding the beautiful miniature worlds at the edges of our paths.
Simple Holiday Projects
Simple and fun holiday projects: sparkle slime, tree ends and stars.
Paper Flowers (for big groups!)
Making paper flowers with big groups, including small children. Wonderful for el Dia del los Muertos festivals.