Aluminum Foil Sculpture

A shark tooth!

I have to admit that I feel a bit guilty when we do this project. Firstly, because my family hoarded aluminum foil and hated to waste it. Secondly, because this project seems just too easy! I bring a bunch of aluminum foil, and the kids absolutely love sculpting it. They usually ask to do this project any time I give them the chance to choose the week’s activity.


  1. Aluminum foil: 1 foot per kid, per sculpture. I usually ask for community donations of foil and end up with more than enough.

  2. Scissors (optional)


  1. Each student gets a sheet. If they’d like to sculpt a person, I recommend cutting a slit that will separate the legs and a slit to separate each arm.


Plant Sprouts and Sketch


A Magical Bird Needs a Nest