Your outfit is your palette!

After making a color wheel, and creating a few paintings, students will grow more confident with color mixing. One fun color challenge that I tried with the second grade was inviting students to create paintings made with palettes based on the colors of their clothing.

As always, this prompt was optional. Students are always welcome to create the paintings that they’d like to paint. More on that here - (you might notice that the students often paint colors from their clothing anyway!)


  1. Paint (We like to use tempera paint because it has vivid color, is water-soluble, and usually doesn’t permanently stain clothing. Tempera cakes are wonderful for this age.

  2. Brushes (I prefer round brushes so that students can create a variety of line thickness and washes.)

  3. Water

  4. Paper (Mixed media paper is cheaper than watercolor paper and works very well)

Younger students may make several paintings during a 25-minute session.


Sprout and Sculpt Seeds


Unwieldy Color Wheels